Fast track score meter
A. Core/human capital factors
The full score is 460-500
education background:
Canadian working hours
Non-canadian hours of work
first language
spoken language:
second language* If you choose English as your first language, French as your second language, and vice versa
spoken language:
B. Spouse factor
The full score is 40
education background:
Working hours in Canada:
spoken language:
C. Adaptive factor (automatic scoring)
The full score is 100
Education * Language ability Your score(Max. 50 points)
This column calculates the score automatically
Education background x language ability
1 year college degree or above and CLB7 level or above in each of the first language can be awarded points
More points will be awarded if you have a double degree or a CLB9 level or above in each of your first languages
Education x Canadian work experience
1 year junior college or above working in Canada for 1 year
More points will be awarded if you have a double degree or have worked in Canada for more than two years
Your score for overseas work experience (Max. 50 points)
This column calculates the score automatically
Work experience abroad (including China) x language ability
1 year overseas work experience and CLB7 level or above in each of the first language will be eligible for points
More points will be awarded if you have 3 years of overseas work experience or at least CLB9 in each of your first languages
Overseas work experience x Canadian work experience
Points are awarded for working overseas for 1 year while working in Canada for 1 year
More points will be awarded if you have worked abroad for 3 years or in Canada for more than 2 years
D. Extra points
The full score is 600
Provincial nominations:
I have a provincial nomination
Employer guarantee:
Education in Canada:
French bonus
* French language above CLB7 will automatically generate additional points. Your score: 0
Sibling bonus
The applicant or spouse has a Canadian sibling
Total score (full score: 200)
Check score
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CEC Class - Canadian Experience class

  • Residence: Intends to live in a province other than Quebec
  • Work Experience: One year of full-time (30 hours or more per week) work experience within the three years prior to application, or part-time work experience equivalent to the same year of full-time work experience in NOC 0, A, B categories. Work experience must be acquired after graduation
  • Language: NOC 0, Class A -- CLB 7 (i.e. IELTS score of 6 in listening, speaking, reading and writing) NOC B -- CLB 5 (i.e. IELTS reading 4 points, 5 points for other three items)
  • Status: Valid visa (e.g. work visa) in Canada

FSW Class - Federal Technology class

  • work experience:
    • At least one year (1,560 hours per year/at least 30 hours per week) Work experience, either continuously full time or part time equivalent
    • Paid work (volunteer, unpaid work does not count)
    • Same NOC occupation code (NOC 0, A or B)
    • Nearly 10 years of working experience
    • Occupations are at level 0, A or B of the 2011 NOC
  • language competence:
    • IELTS up to CLB7 (IELTS up to 6 in listening, speaking, reading and writing), 2 years of validity
  • educational requirements:
  • Capital requirement:
    • Funding requires sufficient funds to support the applicant and his/her family
  • Scoring requirements:
    • Canada's federal skilled immigrant rating scale, the total score is 100, passing score is67Score (meet 67 points before you can enter the pool)

FST Class - Federal Mechanic class

  • Residence: Intends to live in a province other than Quebec
  • Work experience: At least two years of full-time work (30 hours or more per week) or equivalent part-time work in the technical industry in the five years prior to application
  • Language: English speaking and listening CLB above 5, reading and writing CLB Above 4 (i.e. IELTS listening, speaking, reading and writing 5,5,3.5, 4 respectively)
  • Others: Obtain employer-supported LMIA or government issued mechanic certificate

  • * The following occupations are eligible for FST category (Category B occupations)
    • Major Group 72, industrial, electrical and constraction trades (Industrial, electrical and construction trade)
    • Major Group 73, maintenance and equipment operation trades (Maintenance and equipment operation trade)
    • Major Group 82, supervisors and technical jobs in natural resources, agriculture and related production (Supervisor or technical position in natural resources, agriculture and related production)
    • Major Group 92, processing, manufacturing and utilities supervisors and central control operators (Process, Manufacturing and Utility Supervisors and Central Control Operators)
    • Minor Group 632, chefs and cooks (Head chef and Chef)
    • Minor Group 633, butchers and bakers (Butcher and Baker)