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  • Summer Camp

    North American summer camp hot registration

  • Jia Heng International

    Provide educational, creative and exciting courses

  • child | young person | youth | adult | parent

    Advanced all-English education, students better adapt, more easily into the local environment


Jia Heng International is located on the west coast of Canada for all parts of the world An educational, creative and exciting programme for students aged 6-12 years. We use both indoor and outdoor learning environments to create a unique Canadian educational experience. Advanced English education, students better adapt, more easily into the local environment; Through the carefully customized theme activities of the camp, children are encouraged to explore and practice, improve their practical ability, creativity, and interpersonal skills, so that children can grow and feel in the experience.

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Ages 6-12
Ages 10-17
13-18 years old
Over 19 years old
specialized investigation

In-depth English Study Camp

enrollment target: {Ages 10-17}

Children's English all-round experience camp

enrollment target: {9-12 years old}

UBC Elite Training study Tour Camp

enrollment target: {Ages 10-17}