Self-employed Immigration
Canadian self-employed immigrants are one of the categories of Canadian business immigrants, mainly used to absorb foreign talents with cultural arts or sports talent, they can contribute to the Canadian cultural arts and sports
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B.C. Business Nomination
Individual private entrepreneurs have always been the group supported and encouraged by BC policies. The General Entrepreneur immigration program is aimed at individual private investors, and the initial capital and language requirements are not high. It
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Quebec Immigrant Investor Program, QIIP
The Quebec Immigration Department announced that it will reopen investment immigration on March 31, 2021, with 800,000 yuan investment and 1.6 million applicants' asset requirements unchanged. The quota is 1750 worldwide, and the upper limit of each count
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Entrepreneur Application - SINP
The Chinese usually call it Saskatchewan, a famous prairie province in Canada, with developed animal husbandry and an important grain producing area in Canada. Rich in minerals, there are world-famous red potash fertilizer, nuclear energy industry must be
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U.S. Immigrant Investor
Entrepreneur immigration is suitable for people who have or intend to purchase/establish a business in Canada, but do not have Canadian status; Or graduate students who want to immigrate to Canada through self-employment;
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Other Immigrant Investors
Jaheng International offers the BC Provincial nominee Immigrant Investor Program, as well as the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program.
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