
The Quebec Immigration Department announced that it will reopen investment immigration on March 31, 2021, with 800,000 yuan investment and 1.6 million applicants' asset requirements unchanged. The quota is 1750 worldwide, and the upper limit of each country is 1200.

This time, applications will be returned to the previous "first come, first served" method. Once the quota is full, the remaining applications will be returned to the applicants, instead of the lottery used once. Applications from China will also have to be submitted to Montreal instead of the Quebec office in Hong Kong, so it is important to submit them from within Canada to ensure they arrive first.

  • individual condition

    Be at least 18 years old and have a net worth of C $1.6 million. The net worth of $1.6 million can be all or part of the principal's income, but not all of the spouse's

  • Business experience

    At least 2 years of management experience in financial, personnel or material planning, management and control in a qualified enterprise or in management of more than 5 full-time employees in the 5 years prior to application; Management experience may be

  • Asset condition

    The net asset value accumulated by the applicant through his own efforts and lawful operation is not less than 1.6 million Canadian dollars. (including the applicant's shares in the business, private real estate, bank deposits, gold and jewelry, stocks an

  • investment agreement

    The investor shall sign an investment agreement with the authorized broker or trustee company (fund company) of the investment project in Quebec, and shall invest 800,000 Canadian dollars to the government of Quebec for free use for five years or to pay t


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  • Full investment

Invest C $800,000 in a fund designated and guaranteed by the Canadian government and return the principal interest free after 5 years

loan investment

Through the fund to a bank loan of 800,000 Canadian dollars for a period of 5 years, one-time payment of 5 years loan interest of 250,000 Canadian dollars to the bank of Canada. The fund company will invest $800,000 for 5 years for the investor

  • Quebec investment immigration details

Immigrants who choose the Quebec immigrant investor Program must choose Quebec, Canada as their immigration destination and participate in the Quebec immigrant selection process. Quebec investment immigration regulations for the applicant's net worth and investment requirements are the same as federal investment immigration regulations. However, Quebec's investment immigration regulations allow the provincial fund to provide loans to immigration applicants, so that applicants can obtain most of the investment funds by borrowing from investment funds, so relatively speaking, the conditions set by Quebec's investment immigration regulations are not difficult to achieve, and the investment projects are robust, reliable and loose and flexible

Canada's Quebec immigration Department recently announced the latest investment immigration submission plan.

The plan is summarized as follows:

1. Quebec Investment immigration will reopen on March 31, 2021

2. The global quota remains at 1,750 applications, with no more than 1,200 applications from China (mainland China, including Hong Kong and Macao); The above quota will be allocated to funds licensed by the Quebec government. The quota number of each fund will be announced by the Quebec Immigration Department at a later date. Applicants with the ability to speak French will not be subject to the quota

3. The application should be submitted to the Quebec Immigration Headquarters in Montreal, Canada

Quebec investment immigration superior conditions

Eligible investors can obtain an unconditional visa through the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program and have the right to apply for Canadian citizenship after three years in Canada.

1. Short processing time: The Quebec government speeds up the review

2. No investment risk: after the interview, the capital must be invested in the designated fund of the Canadian federal government, which is guaranteed by the government of Quebec. After five years, all the investment funds will be returned without interest, so there is no investment risk

3. Flexible investment methods: Investors apply for loans from fund companies designated by the federal government, and pay the loan interest in one lump sum, that is, they have completed the investment requirements for investment immigration

4. No business risk: the applicant does not need to make a business plan, and there is no requirement for the applicant to invest in the business, so there is no business risk

5. No language requirements: The program does not require applicants to have a degree or proficiency in English or French

6. No compulsory residence in Quebec: There is no compulsory residence in Quebec after applying for permanent resident status

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